"Painted Farmgirl"
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Life is HARD!!!!
I apologize to my fellow followers all 12 of you, I wish I knew how to follow you. If you can give me a DETAILED heads up on how to that would be great. I would love to support you as you do me.
I am writting today for therapy reasons only. I wish I had the self control to make this a regular routine. I do find writting a bit theraputic. Even though my spelling is horrible. Do they even have spell check on this blogspot??? That is how clueless I am. I just about have 6months under my belt owning Painted Farmgirl. I would say I have considered it a true blessing for the most part, although it has come with many challenges. I could list probably 8 seperate Life altering things that have happened to me along my journey of opening the store. Some I have shared already. Most, I havent due certain reasons. For one, I know EVERYONE can read this and once you put it out there on the internet it is there forever. I don't want to discredit myself or others by writting all the ugly parts of life that happen to us all. I would rather focus on the positives. Very hard to do when you have other people or forces pulling you down. I would like to choose today to honor my Lord and Savior "Jesus Christ" and try to put all the uglies where they belong in the past and focus on empowering myself in Christ. Will I be perfect.......heck yes!!!! Just kidding, we all know the answer to that. But, today and from this day forward I am going to try to view things from the positive side of things, try to see things through others eyes instead of my own, try to not live by emotions, and just simply do the RIGHT thing. My goal is to forgive those that have hurt me and tried to hurt me, try to allow my Grandma's passing to strengthen me instead of hold me in the state of loss, try to continue growing in the word and be honest and treat others as not only the way I'd like to be treated, but the way they deserve to be treated because God loves them just like He loves me. Please pray for me as I tackle this new outlook on life and join with me to keep loving the Lord and loving ourselves. Cause NO matter what we have do or are doing we can be forgiven. Rest in that and lets go out there and be who God created us to be. Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for your prayers. Jana
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Too Long!!!
Who know that keeping up with lifes craziness would affect blogging??? Not me! I simply assumed that I would be able to take 5 minutes everyday and just jot a quick little something. But, as you can see I am not finding those 5 minutes. Sometimes I believe we allow life to consume us and not step away and take control of our time. It sounds dumb and quite easy at the same time. However, it takes a lot of self control. Which is not a easy fruit of the Spirit for me! I guess trying to please every person in my life is slowly robbing me of spiritual growth. But, as some of you know when you are trying to better yourself their are plenty of people, (not always meaning to) not really wanting you to change. It is hard on them when you change because they grow accustom to what they can get from you. With all this being said, I now have to take a few steps backwards and just breath..... and breath.... and just be. The hardest part of it all is trusting that these same people will still be there and show their support. Is this good news, or bad news????? Who Knows!!!!! Hope this finds you all well!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Not so sure I love suprises in my older age of 39 years. I have had enough of them lately to well, lets just say to last me awhile. Wether it is totally an unexpected change of plans or unexpected company or even an irregular bowel movement I am just okay with being boring for a bit. I guess those suprises keep us from getting to comfortable in life. I feel that the Lord allows me to stay status quo ( or comfortable) for just so long and then it SURPRISE, growing pains. I do understand that as a Christian it is vital to our spiritual growth that we spend some time in the desert. However, it is quite tiring and a dreary place. The BEST news is that I know ( 1st hand experience, many many times over. haha) that is wont last forever. Just when I think I can't take another second He pulls me out of the desert and sends a few blessings my way. Yes thats right sometimes it's alot of GRACE, FORGIVNESS, or even some MIRALAX. HEE HEE So, I guess this week is what I will consider a growth spurt!!!!
This is BINGO, our store Dog!!! He is perfect, never gives us any trouble:)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
So this week has been a whirlwind. I am continually amazed at the goodness of people. I didn't use to have faith in many people. I guess when you get burned you tend to get a little hardened. Through this past week I have had many people through my doors, met some great people and heard very positive remarks. BLESSING 1! I have Kalee ( my decor stylist and stager) come along side me. BLESSING 2! I had a good week in sales. BLESSING 3! I had a spectacular open house on Saturday. BLESSING 4! I thank the Lord for leading me on this scary journey and for carrying me along when I needed Him too. He is faithful always.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Custom Piece
This is almost the twilight of my first week open as Painted Farmgirl. WOW, what fun!!! I am pleased with the sales and the people that happened upon us. ( Still waiting for my sign ) I have a backroom filled with great finds just waiting for a makeover. I personally have to thank all of you that have helped get this up and running....First, Michelle, no words can describe how grateful I am for you. Your friendship and support have been fierce. On my knees humbly, I thank you. Rog and Wilm, ( Michelle's mama and papa ) You have made it all happen from EVERY aspect, and I am forever STOKED!!! Barb and Russ ( my mama and papa ) I am so thankful. The fact that you all believe in Painted Farmgirl is incredibly humbling and thrilling. I love you all.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Ready or Not....Here we come!!!
Painted Farmgirl is opening it's doors, well actually door because we only have one, tomorrow. What a mixture of emotions. I'm not ready at all, but will I ever be? Probably not. But, I am happy, excited, nervous, scared, overwhelmed, and very TIRED! However, notice only two of my emotions mentioned were positive verses the four negative ones. Why is that? I'm not entirely sure because I am blessed to be given this incredible opportunity. Though most of us human beings tend to be slightly more negative than positive I believe because we think that if we fail or fall short the actual fall isn't as far as if we set our expectaions high and things don't work out we have a lot of crow to eat or a hard pill to swallow. Either way I decided I am giving my complete buisness to the Lord and he can do with it what He would like to do. (Thanks Stacey) So, here's to tomorrow and whatever is to come for Painted Farmgirl.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Girls just wanna have fun!!
It is safe to say that everyday I come to work it doesn't feel like work. However, will it continue? Probably not. I wouldn't trade this time for anything. I am so blessed to be able to have the opportunity to open Painted Farmgirl and still be a hair stylist. When I explain my buisness plan to some I can see that they are curious how the two buisness will blend together by the bend of their brow. haha Seriously everyone is very interested and can see the possibilities, which is a confidence builder. I understand that not everyday will be a "sunshine in my face," or a "cuddly kitten rubbing noses with a toddler" kind of day but I will take them one day at a time. Im giving my first haircut tomorrow in my NEW store, look out cause here comes PAINTED FARMGIRL!
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